Thursday, January 15, 2009

Guess WHAT?!

~CosMet0LogY sch00L~

yUp its trUe.. i've finally decided to go to cosmetology sch00L?! i'm excited t00... despite what some people may say.. i have always thought about going.. and i never did.. i mainly got inspiration from 2 wonderfuL people that have gone to school and working on their career now.. and i am VERY proud of them t00.. they would be Andrea and Mandi they are such wonderful girls and full of spunk, personality and always helping me with my "bubble" especially mandi.. she is what i like to call a "hugger" she hugs you hello she hugs you good bye and she hugs you whenever she feels like it. shes special.. in a good way of course:) and Andrea is one of the most laid back people you will ever meet.. unless you get a red buLL or 2 in her.. :) she always listens to my problems of the crazyness of my family.. work.. homework.. asian drivers.. etc.. haha but as i take this expedition for the next year of my life..(which is a LONG time) they wiLL be there?! corny i know but i love them.. anyways back to the point of this entry.. i start school this month?! i am excited too.. i am guna be very buSy.. i plan to take some online classes too at good ole MSJC.. cuz thats where its at... aha AND i'm guna be workinG 2 days a week at my current job.. which was oh so very nice of them to work aound my school schedule! h0pe aLL iS WeLL?!